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Call: 097.999.2107

The AASHTO TP 95-11 standard is limited to particular sample geometries and a maximum aggregate size of 1.5”, 38mm. Resipod Geometric is designed to comply with the latest research intended to extend the current limits of this AASHTO standard.
Resipod Geometric is supplied with a variable spacing probe that can accommodate larger aggregate sizes. It also allows the user to enter geometric correction factors via the ResipodLink software to give the correct resistivity reading directly on the instrument.

The Bulk Resistivity test is an alternative method where the sample resistivity is measured between electrical plates placed at either end of the sample. The geometry factor is very simple and the test is rapid to perform, with similar advantages as the surface resistivity test.
The Resipod Bulk Resistivity kit provides everything necessary for carrying out this test on standard 4”, 100mm diameter cylinders.
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